Ibiza Angels
De-Stress, Revitalize & Energize

Born in 2005, Ibiza Angels’ therapists deliver seated over-the-clothes, head, neck and shoulder massages to de-stress, revitalize and energize in 10 powerful minutes.
We’ve grown somewhat since we started out all those years ago on the island of Ibiza…we’re now one of Europe’s leading corporate well-being companies with a family of distinct brands, which includes the UK’s Massage Angels.
You can expect the same friendly, dedicated and professional team with a wealth of experience – and our signature, high-quality, no-fuss, no-disrobing, on-site massage treatments.
Sunny season-long, you’ll find us in idyllic situ at some of Ibiza’s most iconic venues – plus a host of Ibiza events and weddings.
We are also a key fixture at ‘feel-good’ brand campaigns, live events and leading music festivals throughout the UK.
On-site holistic massage treatments delivered by fully qualified and insured therapists.
'Ibiza Angels - the originals and the best'
White Ibiza magazine
'Spectacular sunset massages'
Pacha magazine
'Ibiza Angels owe their success not only to their product but also to the hard work and values of everyone involved'
Essential Ibiza